What We Do

For more information please contact Lorna on:
Tel: 01663 744196 Email: lorna@nmvc.org
Registered Charity: 1097655 – Registered Company: 4666277
1. For housebound clients - transport/escorting for medical appointments and to social groups, a weekly shopping service and escorted shopping trips, befriending, occasional gardening and DIY, working with groups.
2. Social and educational activities for client groups - Monday Friends, ShopAround Group, Stroke Support Group, Handicraft Group and Chair-based exercises.
3. Befriending either by home visits or our Telephone Befriending service.
4. For volunteers - opportunities to participate in the local community and voluntary sector activity; encouragement to discover their potential by improving self-worth and confidence; work experience - e.g. office and computer work, social media, newsletter/poster design and printing, DIY for the Centre; social events e.g. fundraising coffee mornings; various training courses.
5. Community Signposting - volunteer brokerage and general information provision.